Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction

Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction 7,3/10 3637 reviews

Was just playing a game vs a reasonably tanked Vayne and the first few late game fights I couldn't understand why I was dying with my ult. Obviously the fact that only 3 champs dmg is shown. Later on I was running from Vayne + 1 other champ and realised why. True damage was going through my ultimate. This is the first time I have noticed this so correct me if I'm wrong but it's new.
Whether it is or isn't new, it shouldn't be that way.
Alistars ability to tank relies on crowd control and initiating. Since he has no taunt, his ultimate is fairly useless except for initiating or if your enemy are getting annoyed by your cc. But generally good teams won't focus you for obvious reasons. So his ults only real team use is initiating, in my opinion. Basically it gives your team 8 seconds after your charge/flash to get in and take advantage of your stun/throwing the team off guard.
So what happens when you charge in, ult and die? It ruins one of his very basic mechanisms.
It is a very small issue, I understand. He's not broken because of it and there are champs more in need of love but it is something that needs to be looked at.
EDIT: OH, I forgot to add. True damage negates armor. Should it really negate an ultimate ability that's so important to a champs use? Not in my opinion.
EDIT 2: I'll put this here in case anyone new just reads the first page or first post.
I hadn't been keeping up to date on this. This thread is about the fact true damage goes through Alistars ULTIMATE. Not true damage in general.
As I said, I have no issue with true damage in general and as someone explained on page 3, stacking hp increases overall damage you can take and is a counter to true damage. Mac os x lion installesd dmg download. As opposed to armour which is will not reduce damage and thus does nothing. And as someone else said, the percentage shot on vayne is after 3 consecutive shots and is not game breaking. I don't care about Vayne, I want Alistars ultimate to resist true damage so that he isn't broken as a tank in any game with a good vayne/cho etc.

Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction Free


Does Alistar Ult Give Him Resistances Or Dmg Reduction Download

Mar 13, 2010  In addition, ground slam is a huge damage reduction from many carry heroes, which is crucial both solo and in team fights, and his ultimate is an amazing aoe stun in group fights. Combine that with a snare+movement boost for fleeing/chasing, and I find him. May 05, 2016  Trundle has to steal stats, Naut needs an absolutely massive shield, Leona's steroid is shit which means she nevers sees meaningful play, Taric gets stupid amounts of armor from his w, and Alistar has 70% damage reduction for a few seconds every couple of.